Our Philosophy

DeFi & Web3


Technology First

Aurora LabsAurora Labs is the development company behind Aurora—the EVM blockchain that runs on the NEAR Protocol.
Mises BrowserThe world’s first fast, secure and extension-supported mobile Web3 browser.
RubicRubic functionality can be implemented by any crypto project willing to become interoperable, with an fully customizable SDK.
OrblerOrbler's "Mission to Earn" isn't just about rewards. Dive in, tackle curated tasks, connect with peers, and elevate your Web3 journey every step of the way.
Plena FinancePlena Finance is a revolutionary smart wallet for NFT, metaverse, and web3.
ThirdwebPowerful Solidity SDK to build custom contracts in any EVM-compatible blockchains & audited contracts.
FMSFMS is an open-source social and blogging platform that uses web3 technology to power its services.
Edu3 NetworkEdu3 is built on a social network that offers a unique and secure learning experience.
Data Vitalleverages AI and blockchain to provide personalized health services.
MugenSwapMultichain Decentralized Exchange & Crosschain Aggregator.
MugenLabz BOTThe leading EVM tokens bot for telegram. Support 10+ evm networks to view realtime data from dex's in one place.
Mugen SmartDefi Token100% Asset-Backed & Zero interest Loan.
StakingA 1.5% transaction on all volume of the mugen token is fed to stakers.[soon]
LendingTake out interest free loans using mugen tokens for 30d as collateral. Extend them for a 0.1% fee.[soon]
NFTsUnique NFTs generated by AI technology & staking feature intregated to earning mugen token & more